April 9, 2006

Point of No Return

Cant sleep....so I decided to post something
well...its raining now,
what a time to blog....
okay let's get to the point, recently I just made a decision that I think will change my life.
but, I had a hard time to decide..cause I don't know if I can keep my word.
Since now I still haven't start college yet..and now I have all the time I have in the world.
But, what if when college life starts to kick in...am I still able to keep my word??
Assingments, studies, exams, and etc...jeez...
I'm worried that I cant keep up with other things in my life.
and so now...I made my choice...there is no turning back
but I always wish that I could :(
Starting now, this is the point of no return for me.
Before I go to bed, please do not post any stupid comment of what your thinking

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