January 21, 2006


Sorry guys...dint get to blog alot cause been very busy these days...
and sometimes my lazyness just kicked in when i was about to blog..
Many things to do, photoshop, outing, cleaning, driving, etc

Oh, well...let's get to the point.
Recently they launch GuildWars:Factions Beta
Everything was awesome, new looks, new job profession, new awesome background music, new login screen, and more

Here's some screenshot of the new update:

The login screen is soOOooOOooOOooo CooOOooOoL~!

A new layout for character selection :D :

Introducing Assasin

Primary attribute increases chance of critical hits and gains energy for the assassin with energy on every critical hit. Attribute skills include dagger skills, offensive hexes and magic, and teleportation and stealth techniques Sample skill list: Jagged Strike, Viper Strike, Razor Wing, Moebius Strike, Death's Charge, Shadow Refuge, Critical Eye. (complete descriptions in Computer Gaming World magazine)

Male Assasin (hehe headband like from naruto :D):

Female Assasin:

Also...Introducing Ritualist

A dark, savage priest; mix between ranger, necromancer and monk. Primary attribute increases the durability of the ritualist's spirits and other creatures, such as ranger pets. Attribute skills include direct-damage spell line, immobile spirit creatures, and healing. Sample skill list: Essence Strike, Pain, Spirit Burn, Channeled Stroke, Shelter, Flesh of my Spirit. (complete description in Computer Gaming World magazine)

Male Ritualist (in blue):

Female Ritualist (in red):

Here's more screenshot and concept arts too (ty to Heaven for giving the source)
Click Here
and Here

More screen's coming later...got to go now

P/S:sorry about the pictures, it seem that my bandwith exceeded.

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