December 11, 2005

Connecting People

Got my hair cut....wasn't really expected the style I want...but i'm happy with it.
Went lunch with my mum, ate curry mee at Wangsa Maju...syok...spicy and hot.

Then abit later, went to Mines Shopping Mall (I know, its dam far from my area...dunt ask). Gotta try to buy a new handphone...and no i'm not going all the way to Mines just to get a new phone, I havent been there for a very long time. The place was quite big....well not as big as One Utama Mall...but its okay...they made some updates.
As I head to a Nokia booth....I looked, asked, and bargain, about the phone that I want, finally I got it....yay! *jumps around*.

Got back home, decided to take a short nap :D . Play o2jam and a few Dota with friends.

I just finish a wallpaper that I just made (I know its not that really good, but I tried...leave comments pls)

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

Yea I know...the editing is the part i hate.. :(