March 10, 2006


Hmm...I guess i'm gonna post the survey

Rule 1: List 5 weird or random things about yourself.
1. I like rain.
2. I'm short lol!.
3. I adapt to things fast...i think
4. I dont have my apendix anymore
5. I like cakes ^^

Rule 2: 5 people whom I want to do the quiz
1. Tan
2. Joshua
3. Kevin
4. Princeton
5. Daniel Khong

Three names you go by:

Three parts of your heritage:
1.Mother side, a very rich family ^^
2.Dad normal family bro?

Three things that scare you:
1. Die before I become successful in my life
2. Virus outbreak
3. Er...death i guess?

Three of your everyday essentials:
1.Money money
2.My Handphone
3.My computer ^^

Three things you are wearing right now:
1.My dark green shorts
2.Orange t-shirt
3.Underwear la

Three of your favorite songs or fictional Disney musical artists (at the moment):
1.DJ Tiesto - Touch Me
2.Jackie Chan & Kim Hee Sun - Endless Love
3.Disturbed - Decadance

Two truths and a lie (in order):
1.I like to go cybercafe
2.I spend most of my time in front of the comp
3.I'm tall lol~!

Things about the opposite sex that appeal to you right now:
1.A person who is loyal to me
2.A person who kind and sweet ^^
3.A person who doesn't cheat on me

Three of your favorite hobbies:
1. Doing Photoshop
2. Surfing web
3. Listen to music like trance

Three things you want to do really badly right now:
1.hmm...take the car out for a drive
3.go toilet b4 sleep

Three places you want to go:
1.South Korea
2.US...maybe =3.Europe

Three things you want to do before you die:
1.Be rich and a successful person
2.Filling the needs for my parents
3.Do something that make Malaysia proud ^^

Three ways that you are stereotypically male/ female:
1.I like cars and computers
2.what else? swearing
3.I'm a guy la!

Three people you would like to see take this survey:
3.My guildmates from Celestial Order

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